Emerging Issues in the In-House Care Sector
Individuals who offer in-house care to patients suffering from several diseases are lacking education and experience, with regards to the disease of their patient. And the supervision of their work is negligible, as it is rare for a professional to oversee and advise them. The handbook presents all the potential risks a caregiver may face: risks associated with the growth of resistant microorganisms, the environment of the house (such as narrow spaces which could mean the caregiver must crouch constantly), or other physical and biochemical factors.
- CategoryTools and resources
- CountryGreece
- LanguageEnglish Greek
- Type of fileDocument
- https://osha.europa.eu/el/publications/executive-summary-current-and-emerging-occupational-safety-and-health-osh-issues
- https://osha.europa.eu/en/publications/reports/executive-summary-current-and-emerging-occupational-safety-and-health-osh-issues-in-the-healthcare-sector-including-home-and-community-care