Digital Library

Career Center Project

This project is implemented in partnership with UHNCR and Sultanbeyli Municipality in Istanbul. The project supports services for job counselling for migrants. The project also aims to develop people’s skills, with skills development training and vocational development training.
Within this project, the target group will be supported in the following areas:
1. How to Write a Curriculum Vitae
2. Support for Job Interviews
3. Labour Law
4. Work Life in Turkey
5. Job Counselling
Through these services, the participants will be supported to provide an opportunity to develop their skills in line with labour market needs and thus find decent work.


  • Category
  • Country
  • Language
    English Turkish
  • Type of file


Project n° 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080142

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.