Government Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration – useful resources

A Government website that includes useful information and links on the following: – The Migrant Integration Strategy – International Migrants Day – Community Integration Fund 2019 – Other funding – For migrants: links to information on legal status in Ireland, healthcare, learning English, housing, schools, further education, employment, racism/discrimination, driving in Ireland, making friends, religion […]

New Communities Partnership – Webinars

A resource of useful webinars by New Communities Partnership created for migrants living in Ireland. Topics include ‘Understanding your finances’, ‘Access to healthcare’, and other relevant topics. – Government Departments – International Links – State Agencies – Voluntary organisations – Miscellaneous

Domestic Workers Employment Rights – Citizens Information

Citizens Information is a Government resource to provide information on the social and civil rights of everyone in Ireland. They offer information on a range of topics including employment, health, social welfare, money and tax, moving country, housing, education and training. They have Citizen Information Centres across Ireland and a free Citizens Information phone line. […]

Employment Rights of Domestic Workers – Workplace Relations Commission (WRC)

The main functions of the Workplace Relations Commission include the improvement of workplace relations and the maintenance of good workplace relations, the promotion and encouragement of compliance with relevant laws, the provision of guidance in relation to compliance with codes of practice, and the provision of information to the public in relation to employment laws. […]

Living in Ireland – Crosscare

An online resource for people new to living in Ireland, covering the following topics: – Immigration – Refugees – Housing – Welfare and Health – Culture and Society

Facts about Migrant Workers in Ireland

A leaflet, designed by the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, to provide information and answers to some of the most common questions about migrants in Ireland. It provides information on the following: – Some facts about migration – Migrant workers in Ireland – Migrant workers and the recession – Migrant workers and permission to work – […]

A Guide to the Rights of Migrants in Ireland – Crosscare, 2018

The Crosscare information guide was designed to accompany training given by Crosscare Migrant Project and Crosscare Refugee Service. It provides information on the following topics: – Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) and Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) – Registering for an Irish Residence Permit – Categories of Residence Stamps – Rights based on Immigration […]

Guide for Migrant Jobseekers in Ireland – The Integration Centre

The EPIC programme by Business in the Community Ireland (BITC) helped prepare the Guide for Migrant Jobseekers in Ireland. The guide offers advice on the recruitment process in Ireland. It aims to increase migrant workers’ opportunities to secure employment and covers the following areas: – Before applying for jobs – The selection process – Interview […]

Training and Workshops – The Immigrant Council Ireland (ICI)

ICI provides training for organisations, business, services and schools, on key issues related to immigration and migrant rights: particularly Inter-cultural and Anti-Racism training, Diversity Matters, Immigration Process, migrant political participation, Anti-Trafficking and Show Racism the Red Card.

Hiring for Diversity Training

New Communities Partnership’s training in Hiring for Diversity is aimed at HR staff and/or people involved in the hiring process. It is a 3 hour, free, Diversity and Inclusion workshop facilitated by experts in that field. It aims to build bridges to overcome the barriers that migrant women, and migrant-descendent women face in accessing the […]