Forward project: Toolbox and handbook for professionals
Chosen as an example of good practice by the European Commision, the Forward project offers a downloadable toolbox and handbook aiming to improve the social inclusion of migrant women.
Assess: Tools for continuous evaluation of competences and approaches to employment support
This online evaluation tool has been designed as a useful resource for trainers and tutors in companies and training centres. The ASSESS tool will help them to evaluate workers and candidates, focusing on their performance indicators, as well as on the importance of the correlation between individual projects and the needs of companies and businesses.
Linguistic Support for Adult Refugees
The Council of Europe has prepared an online toolkit to offer practical support to organisations providing linguistic assistance for adult refugees, for it is essential to enable refugees to learn to communicate in the host society as quickly as possible. The toolkit fulfils this need by facilitating exchanges,initially in emergency situations, and subsequently educating refugees […]
Guide for trainers – Methods and recommendations to motivate adult migrant volunteers promoting the learning of other migrants
This “Guide for trainers” addresses both trainers and tutors in adult education who wish to support volunteers to foster migrant and refugee integration. Besides volunteers, the guide also addresses professionals, trainers, and policy makers in adult learning to promote the social integration of migrants. The Guide proposes the fundamental elements of a training process to […]