Undocumented Migrant Women in Turkey and Social Services

This paper deals with the popular phenomenon: feminization of migration. Social, economic or obligatory reasons leading people to migrate to another country might put them in a disadvantaged position. And regarding this disadvantageous position, it is not possible to mention translation services, legal support, access to individualized health and education services in Turkey. In this […]


This is a project to help meet the needs of people with fewer opportunities, in terms of education attached to financial services, by creating simple access material that could build the basis for empowerment, both in terms of digital skills and of financial household management. SELF-MATE [Sharing and learning Platform in financial management and literacy […]

Transversal Model for Migrants: Strengthening Immigrants’ Skills

We can confidently say that immigrants scramble to obtain formal occupations and integrate with the rest of the community, as legal procedures, conjunctures, and consulting services may not be so convenient, and officials within the rest of society may not be well trained and informed. IASIS NGO and its partners conducted a project named “Transversal […]