Guide for migrants’ recruitment

This guide provides material that can be used by both employers and employees, as well as anyone offering guidance, as a support tool to cover legal rights and procedures. It also offers a decalogue to follow in order to offer equal opportunities, including putting value on non-formal acquired competences as well as competences built in […]

Basic guidance for migrants

Guide covering the most basic needs that any migrant looking for guidance will require, such as legal support, education access and education standardization.

Stories about caring and (in)equality

This document is a compendium of migrant females working in the care sector and how they face inequality. At the end of the document, some challenges are highlighted, such as the need to raise awareness of, and put value on, the care services that are performed in private settings.

Gender perspective oriented labour counselling

This document aims to support the labour counsellor in incorporating the gender perspective into sessions. It has a specific section on how to proceed, and how to understand a female migrant user.

Practical guide for inclusive communication

This practical guide offers the key elements to keep in mind during any communication, in a business or public space, in order to be gender friendly. This guide can be used also to work on inclusion from a migration point of view.

Seeds for pedagogy of care

The material on which this text is based has been generated collectively: there are reflections, analysis and proposals that come from different parts of the world, from different experiences and approaches. The aim of the material is to provide some orientations, perspectives and ideas for the pedagogy of care in educational spaces.

White Paper on Innovative Training Methodologies in the Public Administration

Book of the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration, which aims to serve as a guide for teachers and training management staff. It Introduces new technologies in teaching, with special reference to adult learning, in the chapter “What to do so that adults learn effectively?” It includes 15 success stories, 10 resources for digital teaching and […]

Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July 2009 on the recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience.

Regulations establishing the recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience in Spain. This Royal Decree defines the procedure for the assessment and accreditation of professional competences as the set of actions aimed at assessing and recognising these competences acquired through work experience or non-formal training. Likewise, it establishes its aims, the nature of the […]