Employment Rights of Domestic Workers – Workplace Relations Commission (WRC)

The main functions of the Workplace Relations Commission include the improvement of workplace relations and the maintenance of good workplace relations, the promotion and encouragement of compliance with relevant laws, the provision of guidance in relation to compliance with codes of practice, and the provision of information to the public in relation to employment laws. […]

Facts about Migrant Workers in Ireland

A leaflet, designed by the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, to provide information and answers to some of the most common questions about migrants in Ireland. It provides information on the following: – Some facts about migration – Migrant workers in Ireland – Migrant workers and the recession – Migrant workers and permission to work – […]

A Guide to the Rights of Migrants in Ireland – Crosscare, 2018

The Crosscare information guide was designed to accompany training given by Crosscare Migrant Project and Crosscare Refugee Service. It provides information on the following topics: – Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) and Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) – Registering for an Irish Residence Permit – Categories of Residence Stamps – Rights based on Immigration […]

Guide for Migrant Jobseekers in Ireland – The Integration Centre

The EPIC programme by Business in the Community Ireland (BITC) helped prepare the Guide for Migrant Jobseekers in Ireland. The guide offers advice on the recruitment process in Ireland. It aims to increase migrant workers’ opportunities to secure employment and covers the following areas: – Before applying for jobs – The selection process – Interview […]

The National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People (2016) – Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA)

The National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People (2016), developed by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), sets out national quality standards for the regulation of residential care settings presented under 8 themes, with the seventh theme: Responsive Workforce, relating to skills and training. It states that care staff should have […]

The White Paper on Adult Education: Learning for Life 2000

The White Paper on Adult Education: Learning for Life 2000, states that adult education in Ireland should be based on three core principles: 1/ a systematic approach 2/ equality of access 3/ inter-culturalism The paper recognises that many immigrants have specific urgent requirements, from basic information to language training. It emphasises the need to encourage […]

Methodological Approach for Supporting Caregivers

Apart from supporting patients, it is crucial to provide consultation and support to their caregivers as well. The published paper considers that a holistic methodology to successfully support caregivers should be based on the pillars of: a) psychological support b) financial support c) spiritual support and d) education during all the stages of the diseases […]

Handbook for Caregivers about Dementia

In Greece the number of people with dementia is 200.000, but the quality of educational tools about the management of the disease is not satisfactory. The handbook has been designed for caregivers, and commits to raising awareness about the behavioral symptoms of dementia, to supply caregivers with cutting-edge practices and creative activities to maintain functionality […]

Policies Supporting Informal Caregivers across Canada

The elderly population of Canada is soaring, and the Government is trying to ameliorate the policies and the conditions of the field, as in the past the sector was neglected. Care workers appear to experience anxiety, burnout, social exclusion, lack of education, low wages or provide unpaid voluntary services. Developed countries have taken policies to […]

Supporting Female Care Workers Who Have Been Sexually Abused

This manual, which is a result of scientific semi-structured interviews, has been designed to train educators in the psychosocial support of female domestic workers who have been sexually abused within the working environment. It provides information and methodological interventions for strengthening the capacity of migrant care workers to cope with, and fight against, sexual exploitation […]