Intercultural mediation

This clip, produced and published by National Spanish TV, shows part of the debate about intercultural mediation, its main uses, and the contributions to society of this practice.

Practical guide for inclusive communication

This practical guide offers the key elements to keep in mind during any communication, in a business or public space, in order to be gender friendly. This guide can be used also to work on inclusion from a migration point of view.

AOSLA: Resources

Set of OER, published by the national job counsellors’ association, that covers aspects such as group activities to learn how to reformulate questions on a positive note.

White Paper on Innovative Training Methodologies in the Public Administration

Book of the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration, which aims to serve as a guide for teachers and training management staff. It Introduces new technologies in teaching, with special reference to adult learning, in the chapter “What to do so that adults learn effectively?” It includes 15 success stories, 10 resources for digital teaching and […]

Seeds for pedagogy of care

The material on which this text is based has been generated collectively: there are reflections, analysis and proposals that come from different parts of the world, from different experiences and approaches. The aim of the material is to provide some orientations, perspectives and ideas for the pedagogy of care in educational spaces.

Agents of Adult Education Manual

Manual of the Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) for Adult Educators. It consists of four modules which deal with educational intervention (types of learning, the individual adult, adult learning, learning difficulties, heterogeneity in the adult condition etc.), typology and functions, cultural, social, and labour action, and intervention strategies. Complementary material on adult education by other […]

Incola Network Foundation: Female employment assessment

Red Íncola, an entity from Valladolid (Spain), provides migrants with reception, training and employment support, as well as awareness-raising. They support women who work in domestic employment through intermediation, so that they have decent and legal working conditions, through salaries and conditions agreed with other entities. In addition, if needed, an individualised itinerary is created […]

Royal Decree 2393/2004, of 30 December, approving the Regulation of Organic Law 4/2000, of 11 January, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration.

Regulations governing the rights and freedoms of migrants and their social integration. This policy paper regulates the aspects, circumstances and requirements that must be met in order to be able to reside and work in Spain. The preamble states that in Spain the admission of migrants is fundamentally based on the need to fill jobs.