
Originally a social start-up which has grown rapidly to become a social movement, ‘each One’ gathers citizens, students, companies, organizations etc. in its network. The main purpose of the association is to make society more inclusive and to enable everyone to reveal their potential. To do so, and among several other actions, each One has […]

Employment 4 inclusion

E4I is a EU project of the Erasmus + Programme and it aims to: – Develop and provide an integral training program for professionals with the most innovative tools and an interactive model for the social and labour inclusion of MNAR (migrants, newcomers, asylum seekers and refugees) – Provide professionals working with migrants with the […]

ELLE project: Empowerment of migrant women through Literacy and Language Learning

This article is about ELLE project, an Erasmus + program. The partners first focused on producing an assessment of the specific needs of low-skilled migrant women in Europe. Three outputs were then created to provide tools for teachers, educators, trainers and counselors working in the field of adult education and career guidance: . An ELLE […]

REST project

The main aim of REST is to enhance staff managers’ competences and willingness to employ and to successfully interact with refugees. The project is going to develop a comprehensive modular training concept consisting of face-to-face workshops, coaching support and training material, as well as networking facilities on an internet platform to assist enterprises in the […]

Incola Network Foundation: Female employment assessment

Red Íncola, an entity from Valladolid (Spain), provides migrants with reception, training and employment support, as well as awareness-raising. They support women who work in domestic employment through intermediation, so that they have decent and legal working conditions, through salaries and conditions agreed with other entities. In addition, if needed, an individualised itinerary is created […]

Procomar Valladolid Acoge

Procomar is an association from Valladolid that works with migrants from when they arrive in Valladolid until they’re integrated. It has a project aimed at women which guarantees access to opportunities for empowerment, and personal development to increase their chances of success.

Mujeres Opañel: Labour paths

The Mujeres Opañel Association aims to provide resources and social welfare services, from the perspectives of gender and diversity, prioritising women who are socially disadvantaged, through comprehensive support and empowerment, and thus improve their quality of life. Their key project aims to support female participation in economic life. For that purpose, they create individual labour […]

Women Institute: Clara and Sara projects

The Spanish Government, through their Women Institute, supports two projects, addressing female migrants, that are led by different entities nationally. On this website, it’s possible to see the main aims of those projects.

Claver SMJ Association Project

The Claver Association project supports and provides migrants and refugees with legal advice if needed, as well raise awareness about the situation of domestic workers and the need to dignify care, as well as develop the leadership skills of women working in the care sector .

MAV – ‘Multidimensional Training of Adult Volunteers to Foster Migrants’ Integration’

This is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project with a running time of November 2017-October 2019. The project is focused on volunteers who serve as “companions” or “mentors” for migrants (including refugees, third country nationals and non-natives in general) in order to better guide them into the European labor market, help them to identify and improve […]