The Strong Civil Society Project for Refugees

The Strong Civil Society Project for Refugees, financed by the European Union within the scope of the Civil Society Support Program -II, is a project carried out by KADEM in partnership with the CEIPES association from Italy. Reports in this project were prepared in workshops held with the participation of NGOs working with migrants. Three […]

Strengthening the Refugees Project

The “Strengthening the Refugees Project”, carried out by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and the United Nations High Commissioner, is aimed at supporting women’s employment. Refugee women will take courses and learn to sew wedding dresses in the sewing course opened in Altındağ BELMEK. And, thanks to the cooperative to be established after the course, refugee […]

Mainstreaming Peace Education-Approaches, Methodologies, and Visions

The ‘Mainstreaming Peace Education-Approaches, Methodologies, and Visions’ project, developed within the scope of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership program (Lifelong Learning Program) , enables adult and young participants to take part in training on active citizenship, international dialogue and gender equality, and foresees the exchange of experience between non-governmental organizations. Within the scope of the project, […]

MAV – ‘Multidimensional Training of Adult Volunteers to Foster Migrants’ Integration’

This is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project with a running time of November 2017-October 2019. The project is focused on volunteers who serve as “companions” or “mentors” for migrants (including refugees, third country nationals and non-natives in general) in order to better guide them into the European labor market, help them to identify and improve […]

Vocational Education Guide

This ‘Vocational Education Guide’ is a series of videos prepared by YUVA association especially for young migrants. In the videos, that can be accessed via YouTube, the definitions of professional and vocational education, and the institutions that can be supported in this regard, are explained. These videos, narrated in Turkish, can also be watched with […]

Migrant Women’s experience of working in the care sector and domestic work in Turkey

This video consists of an interview with a Filipino migrant woman with care sector experience, who has already been living in Turkey for 20 years. Starting from her own experience, she talks about other migrant women’s experiences of working in the care sector. In the video, besides migrant women’s experiences, Connie mentions the reasons they […]


This project aims to enhace the self-reliance of refugees through life-skill training and school-support programs, in order to contribute to the sustainable life of refugees in Turkey, by strengthening their cohesion with the host community. The project is funded by PRM and started in October 2016. Education support facilities will be established in Adana and […]

Methodologies and Guidelines for Training of Trainers

This handbook was prepared within the scope of Erasmus+ project I’m Active + in which a Turkish organization participated. The aim of the project was to support women, aged between 20-64 and with fewer opportunities, to improve their key competences and abilities for better employability. As a part of this project, a handbook including methodologies […]

Guide for trainers – Methods and recommendations to motivate adult migrant volunteers promoting the learning of other migrants

This “Guide for trainers” addresses both trainers and tutors in adult education who wish to support volunteers to foster migrant and refugee integration. Besides volunteers, the guide also addresses professionals, trainers, and policy makers in adult learning to promote the social integration of migrants. The Guide proposes the fundamental elements of a training process to […]

A Sociological Analysis on Social and Economic Existence Strategies of Female Immigrant Domestic Workers in Turkey PhD Dissertation

This dissertation was prepared, as a part of PhD research, on analysis of migrant women’s social and economic strategies working in care sectors. This research investigates migration process, finding a job, arrival to Turkey, the existence strategies in the labour market related to domestic work sector in Turkey, and the financial activities of female immigrant […]