Methodologies and Guidelines for Training of Trainers
This handbook was prepared within the scope of Erasmus+ project I’m Active + in which a Turkish organization participated. The aim of the project was to support women, aged between 20-64 and with fewer opportunities, to improve their key competences and abilities for better employability. As a part of this project, a handbook including methodologies […]
An Expert Report on the Role of Women in Development within the scope of 11th Development Plan
This report has been prepared as an input by a number of experts from universities and public institutions, for the 11th Development Plan, for the period of 2019-2023, to realize the objectives of this plan. The basis of the preparation of this report is the notion that sustainable development can be achieved through the empowerment […]
Career Center Project
This project is implemented in partnership with UHNCR and Sultanbeyli Municipality in Istanbul. The project supports services for job counselling for migrants. The project also aims to develop people’s skills, with skills development training and vocational development training. Within this project, the target group will be supported in the following areas: 1. How to Write […]
Opportunities for Life – More Opportunities, Better Lives
This project is implemented in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to strengthen the economic and social resilience of Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and host communities. On the government side, the overall coordination is ensured by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Affairs DG International Labour Force. This project supports the […]
Migration Videos
This is a series of videos offering guidance and insight for adult trainers in terms of migration issues and challenges, that has been created within the scope of Erasmus+ programme of the European Union Migrants & Refugees As RE – BUILDERS Erasmus + KA2 Cross-border Intercultural and Societal Entrepreneurs. There are 4 videos with 4 […]
Self-Assessment Framework for Adult Trainers
This framework is the outcome of “Migrants and Refugees as Reconstructionists” project with the aim to support refugees and migrants to re-build their lives, get accustomed to their new society and contribute back to their own countries. In this sense, a curriculum has been presented to the adult trainers to evaluate their own competences to […]
Recommendations for Entrepreneurial Education for Adult Migrants
This is a blog providing recommendations for trainers of migrant adult education. Taking the facts into account, adults generally tend to learn matters related to their life and this should be kept in mind while working with adult migrant learners. Apart from the regular entrepreneurship trainings, while teaching migrants there are essential points that need […]
Training for a Better Integration of Migrants
This is a training curriculum to provide integration to society and private sectors for migrants. This educative programme aims to decrease the gap between European countries for adult learners. Therefore, within the scope of the project “Learning of Local Bodies to Integrate Immigrants – LL2II”, the training curriculum has been developed to improve the knowledge […]
Undocumented Migrant Women in Turkey and Social Services
This paper deals with the popular phenomenon: feminization of migration. Social, economic or obligatory reasons leading people to migrate to another country might put them in a disadvantaged position. And regarding this disadvantageous position, it is not possible to mention translation services, legal support, access to individualized health and education services in Turkey. In this […]
Integration Process of Syrian Migrant Women Living in Turkey
This research is a master’s thesis to examine the challenges that migrant women face, before and after migration, to find solutions to those challenges, and to offer new social policies to provide a better social integration environment. Taking migration as a whole concept with its reasons, factors and consequences, the research offers an inclusive perspective […]