Training and Employment Opportunities for Migrant Women in the Health and Care Sector in Austria – Challenges and Recommendations
This document was prepared within the scope of the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme. The aim of this project is to facilitate migrant women’s access to training and jobs in the health and care sector. Within this scope,the cooperation of a total of 21 organisations from six countries (the operative partners include 8 organisations from Bulgaria, […]
Training Employment Services Providers On How To Facilitate The Recognition Of Skills Of Migrant Workers
There are currently 232 million migrants in the world, 150 million of whom are migrant workers, either in the labour force or seeking employment. Labour migration is taking place in environments where education and vocational training systems in many countries, at various levels of development, are not able to produce the skills needed and recognized […]
Linguistic Support for Adult Refugees
The Council of Europe has prepared an online toolkit to offer practical support to organisations providing linguistic assistance for adult refugees, for it is essential to enable refugees to learn to communicate in the host society as quickly as possible. The toolkit fulfils this need by facilitating exchanges,initially in emergency situations, and subsequently educating refugees […]
Migrant Women Learning And Teaching Through Participatory Photography
In this article, two studies that involved participatory photography with women in Nova Scotia who had recently immigrated to Canada (“Refugees Learning and Storytelling through Participatory Photography” (2013–2015), and “Refugees/ Immigrants and Refugee Claimants: Negotiating Place and Perceptions” (2015–2017)) were discussed. Using a feminist theoretical perspective, the participants’ photographs and transcripts of meetings to identify […]
Mainstreaming Peace Education-Approaches, Methodologies, and Visions
The ‘Mainstreaming Peace Education-Approaches, Methodologies, and Visions’ project, developed within the scope of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership program (Lifelong Learning Program) , enables adult and young participants to take part in training on active citizenship, international dialogue and gender equality, and foresees the exchange of experience between non-governmental organizations. Within the scope of the project, […]
Methodologies and Guidelines for Training of Trainers
This handbook was prepared within the scope of Erasmus+ project I’m Active + in which a Turkish organization participated. The aim of the project was to support women, aged between 20-64 and with fewer opportunities, to improve their key competences and abilities for better employability. As a part of this project, a handbook including methodologies […]
Guide for trainers – Methods and recommendations to motivate adult migrant volunteers promoting the learning of other migrants
This “Guide for trainers” addresses both trainers and tutors in adult education who wish to support volunteers to foster migrant and refugee integration. Besides volunteers, the guide also addresses professionals, trainers, and policy makers in adult learning to promote the social integration of migrants. The Guide proposes the fundamental elements of a training process to […]
Recommendations for Entrepreneurial Education for Adult Migrants
This is a blog providing recommendations for trainers of migrant adult education. Taking the facts into account, adults generally tend to learn matters related to their life and this should be kept in mind while working with adult migrant learners. Apart from the regular entrepreneurship trainings, while teaching migrants there are essential points that need […]
Training for a Better Integration of Migrants
This is a training curriculum to provide integration to society and private sectors for migrants. This educative programme aims to decrease the gap between European countries for adult learners. Therefore, within the scope of the project “Learning of Local Bodies to Integrate Immigrants – LL2II”, the training curriculum has been developed to improve the knowledge […]
Free course in Health and Well-being (Support Work) Level 3
The Certificate in Health and Well-being (Support Work) Level 3 is offered free of charge in New Zealand. The course introduces the health sector and once completed, learners will have the confidence and knowledge to care for a range of people in the community. The programme is designed to: – Enable learners to pursue work […]