Methodologies and Guidelines for Training of Trainers

This handbook was prepared within the scope of Erasmus+ project I’m Active + in which a Turkish organization participated. The aim of the project was to support women, aged between 20-64 and with fewer opportunities, to improve their key competences and abilities for better employability. As a part of this project, a handbook including methodologies […]

Guide for trainers – Methods and recommendations to motivate adult migrant volunteers promoting the learning of other migrants

This “Guide for trainers” addresses both trainers and tutors in adult education who wish to support volunteers to foster migrant and refugee integration. Besides volunteers, the guide also addresses professionals, trainers, and policy makers in adult learning to promote the social integration of migrants. The Guide proposes the fundamental elements of a training process to […]

A Sociological Analysis on Social and Economic Existence Strategies of Female Immigrant Domestic Workers in Turkey PhD Dissertation

This dissertation was prepared, as a part of PhD research, on analysis of migrant women’s social and economic strategies working in care sectors. This research investigates migration process, finding a job, arrival to Turkey, the existence strategies in the labour market related to domestic work sector in Turkey, and the financial activities of female immigrant […]

Handbook for Trainers supporting Migrant and Refugee Adaptation and Welfare

This handbook is designed to support the teaching processes of adult teachers and trainers working with migrants and refugees. The handbook is based on the educational approaches used in formal and informal learning. It was developed to address the following concerns regarding adult education and migrant learning: • How do adult teachers and trainers act […]

Self-Assessment Framework for Adult Trainers

This framework is the outcome of “Migrants and Refugees as Reconstructionists” project with the aim to support refugees and migrants to re-build their lives, get accustomed to their new society and contribute back to their own countries. In this sense, a curriculum has been presented to the adult trainers to evaluate their own competences to […]

Immigrant Women’s Outdoor Training and Impact on Their Children’s Education

This is research examining the increasing numbers of migrants from various countries, and the current social and economic challenges and barriers that they face in Turkey. Research is focused on women refugees who left Syria and Iraq due to the war, and immigrated to Turkey.They were within the scope of the Vocational Training Program for […]

Training for a Better Integration of Migrants

This is a training curriculum to provide integration to society and private sectors for migrants. This educative programme aims to decrease the gap between European countries for adult learners. Therefore, within the scope of the project “Learning of Local Bodies to Integrate Immigrants – LL2II”, the training curriculum has been developed to improve the knowledge […]

Integration Process of Syrian Migrant Women Living in Turkey

This research is a master’s thesis to examine the challenges that migrant women face, before and after migration, to find solutions to those challenges, and to offer new social policies to provide a better social integration environment. Taking migration as a whole concept with its reasons, factors and consequences, the research offers an inclusive perspective […]

Training Modules and Courses for Care Workers – Dementia and Covid 19

Social Care Wales has developed a quick-learning guide on basic skills required to support someone living with dementia. It is suggested the guide be used in a new carer’s induction or for care workers to read in their own time. On their website they also provide information on: 1. Understanding dementia 2. Understanding dementia and […]